HPG: 11 killed by chemical weapons with HPG

  • 13:25 27 December 2022
  • News
NEWS CENTER - HPG Press Center announced on November 5 that 11 HPG members were killed with chemical weapons in the Martyr Xursi war tunnels.
The war that has been waged by Turkey in the Avaşîn, Zap and Metina regions of Southern Kurdistan since April 14 continues with the partnership of the KDP. Protest actions were carried out in Kurdistan, Turkey and around the world on the images that were previously reflected in the press and evaluated by experts, regarding the use of chemical weapons in this war. According to the HPG Press Liaison Center's statement published on the Fırat News Agency (ANF), 11 HPG members were killed in a chemical weapon attack near the village of Saca in the Şêladize sub-district of Amediye district in Southern Kurdistan.
The following statements were included in the statement:
“As a result of the intense and systematic use of chemical weapons and banned explosives, 11 of our comrades in the Martyr Xursi war tunnels were martyred on November 5th. The Turkish Ministry of War, under Hulusi Akar's command, lied by announcing to the public that the martyrdom of these comrades was the result of a contact and conflict. It is certain that 11 of our comrades were martyred with chemical weapons, and it has been documented by imaging. While we do not consider it appropriate to share these images with the public at the moment, we state that we can submit them to relevant institutions that will investigate and confirm the war crimes of the Turkish state. We declare that the place where these comrades were martyred is near the Saca Village of the Şêladize sub-district of Amediye district of Başurê Kurdistan, that those who want to come can easily reach them and that we can assist those who want to make an investigation as much as possible.”
Names of those killed were released
The names of those who lost their lives in the chemical weapons attack are as follows: Mesut Eren (Ferman Kerim), Xemgin Şahinoğlu (Sabri Cîlo), Eylem Akgün (Jînda Serhed), Bawan Mihemed (Helmet Viyan), Ebid Ebdilah (Dilşêr Reqa), Canda İsmail (Adar Çiya), Yunus Alkan (Harun Fırat), Pervin Muhammed (Arvîn Tolhildan), İsmail Çelik (Azad Pirsûs), Sivana Mihemed (Hêvî Welat) and İsa Kurtay (Sefkan Adar).
On the other hand, in the statement of our People's Defense Central Headquarters Command on October 18, 2022, it was announced that 17 HPG members were killed as a result of the use of chemical weapons. In the statement, it was also stated that 27 HPG members were also killed with chemical weapons on different dates.